Opasquia Times Community

Culture Days once again has garnered some local attention for the tri-community area. It was recently announced that, yet again, Culture Days in our community has ranked in the Top Ten Rural Communities List for hosting such an event. This year, the event placed sixth in that category nationwide.“As always,…
Tuesday, 17 December 2024 16:21

Almost double raised for Giving Challenge

The Pas Tri-Community Foundation wrapped up a very successful Giving Challenge this year. The amount of donations received has almost doubled in amount.“We had an excellent response from the community, considering we’ve only been operating for three years,” said The Pas Tri-Community Foundation Vice President Kent Whaley. “We received pretty…
Wednesday, 11 December 2024 15:48

Aurora House welcomes new executive director

The search for an executive director for the Aurora House ended early this fall, as a candidate was hired. Jean Clearwater is new to both the position and the area but comes with lots of experience with helping women escape domestic violence and providing support.“I’ve worked for many years with…
Wednesday, 11 December 2024 15:47

NMTF Fur Queen Candidates announced

Once Christmas and New Year’s pass, the community will only get a brief pause before they start up for the Northern Manitoba Trappers’ Festival (NMTF). This year’s Fur Queen Competition has more candidates running than it has seen in a while.“There are eight Fur Queen candidates this year, which is…
Thursday, 21 March 2024 09:40

UCN creates Early Childhood Education Labs

University College of the North (UCN) is dedicated to educate and train more Early Childhood Educators (ECE) in Manitoba. As part of that, some upgrades were made to the Early Childhood Education program to include some hands-on learning lab.“The opportunity for additional funding came from The Manitoba/Canada-Wide Early Learning and…