Roblin Review News
Sunday, 31 July 2022 13:23
Near miss with ER closure
More and more stories are coming out about peoples’ potentially dangerous experiences with ER closures in rural and northern communities. Many people are thinking that there’s no other choice than to accept emergency room closures in rural communities as the new normal. Most think that way, until they experience an…
Sunday, 31 July 2022 13:26
Scenes from the street festival
Most of Main Street was transformed into a pedestrian mall Saturday as the local chamber of commerce hosted its much-anticipated Street Fair and Summer Sidewalk Sale. The event featured plenty of attractions including craft vendors and artisans, a farmers’ market, food vendors, plenty of activities for the kiddies, live music…
Sunday, 26 June 2022 14:26
Local boy makes good
With fuel prices at an all time high and a focus on creating a greener environment, people are starting to make a shift towards using electric vehicles (EV).Former Roblinite, Todd Maliteare, saw an opportunity in the making to be a part of the EV industry in B.C. He’s been in…
Sunday, 26 June 2022 14:25
Women’s workwear long overdue
Finding suitable workwear for women can be a real challenge that leaves most to rely on wearing work clothing designed for men. Two women, with family ties to Dropmore, decided it was long overdue to have a women’s workwear line available, so they have started their own company, Rolling D…
Sunday, 26 June 2022 14:17
Good year for Parkway
The Parkway Co-op held its annual general meeting via Zoom – and at under a half an hour in length it zoomed right along – Wednesday, with 14 people participating on line. The co-op had another good year, realizing record sales of $61 million and achieving $22 million in member…
Wednesday, 22 June 2022 10:54
Russell potash gets the go ahead
The Manitoba government has approved Manitoba’s first potash development, allowing the Potash and Agri-Development Corporation of Manitoba (PADCOM) to start extraction and production near Russell. The announcement was made June 14 by Premier Heather Stefanson at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada conference in Toronto.
Wednesday, 22 June 2022 10:51
New park opens
Emotions were running high as the members of the Grade 10 Indigenous Studies class at Goose Lake High held the official opening Friday morning of their Reconcilation Park. Members of the class and their teacher Brenda Neuhofer were joined by First Nation and Métis Elders; their fellow students and teachers;…
Friday, 17 June 2022 09:46
Sign Up Today For Email Subscription Renewal!
⚡️Exciting news⚡️ You can now go paperless with your Roblin Review subscription renewal via email and never lose your renewal in the mail again! We are excited for this new and much simpler option, and as a bonus, if you switch to the email renewal we will add four weeks…
Tuesday, 14 June 2022 05:49
New GM at RFP
Roblin Forest Products (RFP) has promoted one of their managers to be their new General Manager. Carley Coulter has been working at Roblin Forest Products for some time now while completing her post-secondary studies. Check this week's Roblin Review for more details!
Tuesday, 14 June 2022 05:47
Jaddock ready for his new role
Stephen Jaddock is preparing to step into the role as the new superintendent/CEO of Mountain View School Division. The current assistant superintendent has been hired to take over from Dan Ward when he leaves the division at the end of the month. Get more in this week's Roblin Review.
Monday, 16 May 2022 12:17
Swan has longest wait times for cataract surgery
Thanks to a community based effort and the Lions Clubs in the Swan Valley area, northern and central Manitoba residents have an option to get cataract surgery done at the Swan Valley Health Centre (SVHC). The Lions Cataract Program is celebrating a milestone anniversary, however, it was facing record high…
Monday, 16 May 2022 12:16
Council forgoes a raise again
A by-law was passed providing for the remuneration of members of council. Council has not taken a pay increase since current indemnities were set back in 2020. The monthly indemnity is as follows: Head of Council – $1,035.30 ($12,423.60 annually); Deputy Head of Council – $931.77 ($11,181.24 annually); Councillors –…
Monday, 09 May 2022 09:48
Bates working with elephants in Thailand
They say it’s best to travel when you’re young and that’s just what former Roblinite Kelsey Bates has discovered. She recently left for Thailand at the end of March to do some conservation base projects and will be there until next month. This has been something Bates has aspired to…
Monday, 09 May 2022 09:46
Local homeowners recognized
The Manitoba Good Roads Association (MGRA) held its 110th annual Dinner and Awards Banquet April 19 in Brandon and recognized three local home owners for their efforts in beautifying their properties and, in effect, the province. Receiving the Jeffries Shield for Best Urban Home Grounds in Manitoba in the 1,001…
Monday, 09 May 2022 09:43
Recognition ceremony held
A large crowd of dignitaries, local groups and representatives, health care staff and residents were on hand Tuesday, May 3 to take part in a formal recognition ceremony that highlighted the plan to proceed with expanding the Russell Health Centre Chemotherapy Unit. Deputy Premier Cliff Cullen, on behalf of Premier…