Roblin Review News

Monday, 10 July 2023 09:47

RCMP called out to keep the peace

About 4 p.m. on June 17, RCMP received a report from Motor Carrier Enforcement in town who were dealing with a person who didn’t like it. Members attended to keep the peace. Find out what’s been keeping police busy in this week’s issue.
Monday, 10 July 2023 09:48

Family makes a public plea

The communities of Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve, San Clara and Roblin have been spiraling since the discovery of Melinda Lynxleg’s body was found on a property in San Clara last month. The news has sent shock throughout the communities and now many unanswered questions are floating around. Read all about it…
Monday, 03 July 2023 14:07

Men plead guilty to hunting offenses

Two incidents that took place in the Roblin area are among the concluded cases of this month’s Manitoba Conservation Officer Service update from Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development. On May 18, two men pleaded guilty to hunting at night with lights in the Roblin area and each received $4,000…
Monday, 03 July 2023 14:12

New librarian on staff

There is a new face behind the checkout desk at the Roblin and District Library. Holly Hart-Harder has accepted the position as the new branch librarian, after Myrtle Chase announced her retirement last month. Hart-Harder grew up in the Winnipeg area and then moved to Roblin while raising her children.…
Monday, 26 June 2023 09:39

Locals celebrate NIPD

The Roblin Métis Local, in partnership with the San Clara/Boggy Creek Métis Local and the Shell River Métis Association, hosted a National Indigenous Peoples Day celebration Wednesday evening at the curling rink. The festivities began with opening prayers and greetings and a tasty supper featuring stew and bannock. Check out…
Monday, 26 June 2023 09:42

Foundation hands out cash

There were smiles all around as the Roblin District Community Foundation held its annual grants evening and AGM Thursday (June 22). A total of 16 grants were awarded worth a total of $52,068. Want to know more? Check out this week’s issue.
Monday, 26 June 2023 09:43

Another record year for Parkway

The Parkway Co-op has had another good year. Twenty members gathered virtually Tuesday (June 20) for Parkway’s 77th annual general meeting, celebrating another successful year of operation.After some housekeeping items, president Sean Keeler opened the meeting with a report from the board of directors.Want to know more? Pick up this…
Monday, 19 June 2023 10:24

Librarian turns the page

The Roblin and District Library will soon see a new face behind the checkout desk. Roblin Branch Librarian Myrtle Chase is retiring from her duties after serving 18 years in her role. Chase has always been an incredibly outgoing and friendly community member, and she was perfect in her role…
Monday, 19 June 2023 10:25

No body, just a blanket

On June 4 about 8:30 in the evening, the Roblin RCMP detachment received a call of a dead body wrapped in a blanket on the shoulder of the highway near Bield. Members quickly attended and it was just a blanket on the side of the road. Nothing was located in…
Monday, 19 June 2023 10:26

More support for Manitobans in crisis

The province is investing $2.4 million a year in a newly enhanced program to improve access to mental health assessments and crisis supports in rural and remote areas. “Stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic has increased mental health issues across Manitoba and Canada, and Manitobans in rural communities and First…
Sunday, 14 May 2023 13:59

New rules for Clear Lake

All lakes in Manitoba are at risk for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) such as zebra mussels. Sadly, some lakes in the province are already plagued with AIS, which cannot be reversed. In an effort to ensure Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP) remains free of zebra mussels, a new program has…
Sunday, 14 May 2023 14:00

Chamber has a proposal

The Roblin and District Chamber of Commerce has made a proposal to council that the empty lot at 152 Main Street (formerly Green Acres Greenhouse) be made into a public space for the use of the community. The chamber is proposing that the gate on the lot be removed –…
Sunday, 14 May 2023 14:01

Contest back for the third year

For the third year in a row, Fusion Credit Union is proud to present “Community Infusion”, the business idea competition that infuses economic growth and prosperity into our local communities. “At Fusion, we are ‘here for good’, and to us, that means we are committed to our communities today and…
Sunday, 07 May 2023 15:11

Fusion has fantastic year

The 30,000 or so members of Fusion Credit Union heard plenty of good news about their financial institution at its annual general meeting, April 19. “We had another fantastic year in 2022 with results ranging from outstanding loan growth numbers and ongoing profitability sharing with our members, to continued community…
Sunday, 07 May 2023 15:13

Dancer lodged in the cells overnight

RCMP responded to report of a person unknown on a highway dancing in the rain about 11 p.m. Friday, April 18. Person admitted to taking drugs and lodged in cells for the night. To read more about what kept local police busy in the past two weeks check out this…
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