Roblin Review News

Sunday, 07 May 2023 15:15

LEARN Centre keeps busy

March was a very busy month at Roblin’s LEARN Centre including the launch of a beginner computer class and a new babysitting course. Nine youth took part and all obtained their certificate. T Find out what else has kept the centre busy in this issue.
Sunday, 30 April 2023 15:46

Chamber hoping to find volunteers

Many community organizations are feeling the pinch when it comes to a lack of volunteers and helping hands to make things happen. It could be another side effect of the pandemic, but it also could be a result of things changing too. Over the years, Roblin has seen a lot…
Sunday, 30 April 2023 15:47

Caldwell talks to parents Part II

You would think that with all the dangers and perils children are subject to online – the Benadryl challenge and sextortion to name a couple – the Goose Lake High gym would have been filled to the rafters for Val Caldwell’s session on tech and internet safety. But you’d be…
Sunday, 30 April 2023 15:48

Rule changes for Walleye Classic

Big fish. It’s always about who can catch the biggest fish. But changes in the fishing regulations in this province means you’ll see some operational changes to the Russell Lions Prairie Walleye Classic. Read the rest of the story in this week’s issue.
Monday, 24 April 2023 09:41

Police have run-in with local man

RCMP members in Russell and Roblin were called to Roblin April 5 to deal with a man walking around breaking into residential garages and screaming. In total, police received six reports. Find out more in this week’s Review.
Monday, 24 April 2023 09:42

The play's the thing

With the raving success of The Passover presented during Holy Week at the Evangelical Mission Church, another play is in the works to hit the stage in Roblin. Locals Bethany Brade and Jenni Johnson are co-directing another production featuring some familiar faces in the community. For the rest of the…
Sunday, 16 April 2023 13:33

Help for seniors to age safely at home

The Manitoba government is investing $3 million in two housing programs that will allow more Manitoba seniors to safely age in their homes and communities as long as they choose. The new home modification grant program will have an annual budget of $1.5 million, and provide financial assistance to seniors…
According to Farmer 4.0, a new RBC report, the country could be short critical skills – data analysis, robotics and global sales, among them – that will be needed to transform the sector across a projected shortage of 123,000 agricultural workers by 2030. However, with the correct skills mix, agriculture…
Monday, 10 April 2023 10:26

Vermeylen raises concerns

A descendant of the Red River Métis and a spokesperson for the Métis Rights Coalition (MRC) says he has some serious concerns about the so-called Manitoba Métis Federation “government” and where the organization is headed. “Maybe to some people this is not serious but to me, it’s very serious,” said…
Monday, 10 April 2023 10:27

Locals to play Countryfest

Two local musicians will have a chance to play at one of Canada’s largest country musical festivals this year. Kris Paul and Becky Lou Martin are set to play at Countryfest this summer. Both artists have been finding the balance between everyday life and music. Read all about it in…
Monday, 10 April 2023 10:28

Enhancments for Glad Lake

As spring approaches, Swan Valley Sport Fishing Enhancement (SVSFE) is more excited than usual. Back in February, SVSFE technicians and volunteers partnered with Manitoba Fisheries staff to complete a “one of a kind” fish habitat improvement project at Glad Lake. “Glad Lake is an oligotrophic lake (lakes which generally host…
Sunday, 02 April 2023 12:22

Chamber holds AGM

The Roblin District Chamber of Commerce held its AGM March 24 and it was, as they say, short, sweet and to the point. About 45 people turned out at the Life & Art Centre for the evening, which included pizza and a beer tasting and the musical stylings of Amy…
Sunday, 02 April 2023 12:25

Outfitters lose their licences

Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development is advising that outfitting licences of two resource tourism operators in the Grandview area have been cancelled. The move comes after a lengthy investigation led by the Manitoba Conservation Officer Service along with Canadian and American wildlife investigators. Find out why in this issue.
Sunday, 02 April 2023 12:28

Wowchuk wins nod uncontested

Election time is just around the corner and many political parties are lining up and announcing their candidates for certain ridings. The Swan River constituency’s Progressive Conservative (PC) Association held its candidate selection meeting March 30 in Swan River at the Westwood Inn where MLA Rick Wowchuk won an uncontested…
Sunday, 26 March 2023 14:38

Handivan costs too high

A Roblin man who uses the Handivan three times a week to receive life-saving dialysis at the Russell Health Centre says the rate he’s being charged for the trips is excessive. “Last year it cost me nearly $21,000,” said Tom Wilson, who recently met with municipal council to discuss a…
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