Roblin Review News
Sunday, 12 March 2023 11:56
Nurse offers new foot care service
Happy feet are healthy feet, and that’s something most people overlook until it’s too late. A new mobile foot care business has started in Roblin to help with that. Kristine Branconnier has opened Elite Feet Foot Care and is offering mobile foot care services in Roblin and area. Read the…
Sunday, 12 March 2023 11:57
GLH does well at Ethics Bowl
Chances are, if you’re like me you‘ve never heard of an “Ethics Bowl”. At a very basic level, it’s a debate-style competition with matches in which two teams come up with their best answers to ethical dilemmas and are then scored on the quality of their answer. A team from…
Sunday, 12 March 2023 11:58
MFF holds treaty meeting in Dauphin
The Northwest Métis Council hosted a consultation meeting with its citizens regarding the Red River Métis Self-government Recognition and Implementation Treaty, March 4 in Dauphin. The meeting gave Métis citizens a chance to add their input to the coming changes as a result of the Treaty, which was agreed to…
Sunday, 12 March 2023 11:59
Hefty fine for speeding in 50 k/ph zone
RMCPolice ticketed a driver for speeding on Highway 83 Wednesday afternnon. The driver was clocked going 184 km/h in a 50 km/h zone. Ticket issued was worth $495. Find out more in this week’s RCMP briefs.
Monday, 06 March 2023 09:02
MOR council sets indemnities
Council of the Municipality of Roblin passed three by-laws at its Feb. 28 regular meeting dealing with contracts to operate and manage the Roblin Waste Disposal Ground; for managing and caretaking the Community Centre; and providing for the remuneration of members of council and citizen appointees and volunteers. All three…
Monday, 06 March 2023 09:01
Tea a tribute to RDCF founder
Whenever one mentions the community of Roblin to someone you just meet, chances are they would ask you if you knew Dale Yeo. He was a man who greatly influenced many students that he taught over the years and inspired many great positive changes to take place in Roblin, which…
Sunday, 26 February 2023 11:30
High praise for students, staff
Roblin Fire & Rescue Chief Alf Brade had high praise for the students and staff of Roblin Elementary School. The school was forced to evacuate Thursday just before the noon hour because of a fire alarm. “They did everything right,” Brade said. “They didn’t waste any time, everybody got out…
Sunday, 26 February 2023 11:31
RES PAC seeks new members
The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) at Roblin Elementary School is looking for a few good women and men. “We have 10 members right now but we’re losing five come June so we need to recruit desperately,” said the council’s current and outgoing chair Mary Newton. Want to know more? Check…
Sunday, 26 February 2023 11:33
Illegal window tint can net a fine
Police pulled over a vehicle regarding illegal tint on windows. Warning issued. Parent later called the office to discuss the warning. Check out the facts in this week’s RCMP Report.
Sunday, 26 February 2023 11:34
Meet the champ
Since age three, Pacey Wall has relied on the Health Science Centre Children’s Hospital due to intestinal failure. Even after more than 30 surgeries and countless days in hospital, Pacey is a resilient child with a great attitude who greets everyone he meets with a smile and a wave –…
Friday, 17 February 2023 10:22
Leimhofer offers radon testing
Manitoba has historically had higher levels of radon than the national averages. Health Canada has estimated about seven per cent of Canadians are living in homes above the radon guidelines, while about 19 per cent of Manitobans are facing that same challenge. Radon is a colourless, odourless radioactive gas found…
Friday, 17 February 2023 10:22
Borrowing by-law gets first reading
The Municipality of Roblin is proceeding with a borrowing by-law to cover the costs of four new graders and the construction of a new cell at the Roblin WDG (Waste Disposal Ground). Council gave first reading to the bylaw at its regular Jan. 24 meeting after holding a public hearing.…
Sunday, 12 February 2023 14:09
Chamber hosts banner art search
In an effort to brighten things up on Main Street, the Roblin and District Chamber of Commerce is hosting a contest in search for designs to showcase as banners. The Street Banner Contest was visualized out of the popularity of the graduation banners that lined Main Street last June. Find…
Sunday, 12 February 2023 14:10
Significant drug bust made
Prairie Mountain RCMP conducted a significant drug bust in Rossburn, Feb. 4. Located in a residence was 188 grams of cocaine, and 732 grams of methamphetamine, with a street value of over $37,000. Read more in this week’s RCMP Report
Sunday, 12 February 2023 14:11
Cross awarded medal
Bob Cross, a long-time local businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist, was one of only a thousand Manitobans who have been singled out for their significant achievements and contributions to their communities. Cross was named a winner of the province’s Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal. Check out a photo of the…