Roblin Review News
Friday, 17 February 2023 10:22
Leimhofer offers radon testing
Manitoba has historically had higher levels of radon than the national averages. Health Canada has estimated about seven per cent of Canadians are living in homes above the radon guidelines, while about 19 per cent of Manitobans are facing that same challenge. Radon is a colourless, odourless radioactive gas found…
Friday, 17 February 2023 10:22
Borrowing by-law gets first reading
The Municipality of Roblin is proceeding with a borrowing by-law to cover the costs of four new graders and the construction of a new cell at the Roblin WDG (Waste Disposal Ground). Council gave first reading to the bylaw at its regular Jan. 24 meeting after holding a public hearing.…
Sunday, 12 February 2023 14:09
Chamber hosts banner art search
In an effort to brighten things up on Main Street, the Roblin and District Chamber of Commerce is hosting a contest in search for designs to showcase as banners. The Street Banner Contest was visualized out of the popularity of the graduation banners that lined Main Street last June. Find…
Sunday, 12 February 2023 14:10
Significant drug bust made
Prairie Mountain RCMP conducted a significant drug bust in Rossburn, Feb. 4. Located in a residence was 188 grams of cocaine, and 732 grams of methamphetamine, with a street value of over $37,000. Read more in this week’s RCMP Report
Sunday, 12 February 2023 14:11
Cross awarded medal
Bob Cross, a long-time local businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist, was one of only a thousand Manitobans who have been singled out for their significant achievements and contributions to their communities. Cross was named a winner of the province’s Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal. Check out a photo of the…
Sunday, 12 February 2023 14:12
Instil Hope Counselling opens in Russell
Often the hardest part is deciding to reach out to a counsellor and finding someone you’re comfortable enough to work with, in processing past and current issues, working together toward a hopeful future. When you meet Breanne Goraluk – no matter the setting – the feeling hits instantly. Find out…
Sunday, 05 February 2023 09:52
Gracestock returns to Knox United
If you want to hear some talented local performers, satisfy your sweet tooth, and do some good for people in Roblin and around the world, you might want to mark Feb. 17 on your calender. That’s because next Friday, Feb. 17, Knox United Church is hosting an evening of music…
Sunday, 05 February 2023 09:52
Parkland Acupuncture opens in Grandview
A new therapy service will be based out of Grandview and offering acupuncture services. Parkland Acupuncture is operated by Steve Payne and opened up this month. Payne, his wife and children recently moved to Grandview from Australia to be closer to his in-laws, the Grextons. More in this issue.
Monday, 30 January 2023 09:29
MP hosts town hall
With crime seeming to be on the rise in rural areas, many are looking for solutions to the problem. Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa MP Dan Mazier and his colleague Kildonan-St. Paul MP Raquel Dancho held a virtual crime town hall Jan. 23 that also touched on Bill C-21, which is a ban…
Monday, 30 January 2023 09:30
Premier announces some help
As part of the Manitoba government’s ongoing effort to help Manitobans make ends meet, Premier Heather Stefanson on Thusday unveiled a $200-million Carbon Tax Relief Fund aimed at helping 700,000 Manitobans cope with the negative impacts of rising winter costs, from food to fuel. The 2023 Carbon Tax Relief Fund…
Monday, 30 January 2023 09:33
Respect their downtime
RCMP officers respond to many different types of calls throughout their careers and a post-traumatic stress injury is inevitable in some way throughout their years as police officers. That is why their time away from work is so important; time away to relax, spend time with family, and de-stress. Find…
Sunday, 22 January 2023 12:26
Bug Chucker needs volunteers
Organizers of Roblin’s popular still water fly fishing tournament – the Bug Chucker Cup – are hoping to get the event going again this year. After a two year hiatus because of the Covid pandemic, calls are coming in asking if the Bug Chucker is back on for 2023. Find…
Sunday, 22 January 2023 12:28
Can your business benefit from immigration?
100th Meridian Immigration is providing an opportunity for business leaders and municipal representatives to learn how immigration can play a role in their growth strategy. The Immigration on the Prairies Virtual Summit 2023, takes place, Feb. 1 to 3, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Find out more in this…
Sunday, 15 January 2023 11:23
New doc on staff
The new year has brought a new doctor to the Roblin Health Centre and the W.E. Nash Clinic. Dr. Donatus Osuorah, also known as Donald, joined the staff and began seeing patients at the clinic on Jan. 3. “It’s going well,” he said in an interview Friday. Find out more…
Sunday, 08 January 2023 13:55
Roblin bakery helping out
Roblin’s Parkland Bakery and Pastry Shop is playing a key role in the return of the much-loved KUB bread to the marketplace. Winnipeg’s iconic KUB Bakery closed its doors this past November after almost 100 years in business due to a combination of factors including the Covid-19 pandemic, the war…