Advertising with Us
Display Advertising
Russell Banner Mechanical Requirements:
- 6 Column - Metro Size - Printed Offset
- Maximum Page Size: 10.3 inches Wide x 16 inches in Length
- Column Width - 1.5 inches
- Single to Full Color Capacity
- With page size in inches: ½ page - 672 agate lines and Full page - 1344 agate lines
- Column widths - 1 column = 1.5", 2 columns = 3.33", 3 columns = 5", 4 columns = 6.75", 5 columns = 8.5" and 6 columns = 10.3"
- The Russell Banner total circulation - 1,411
Deadlines: The deadline for display advertising is Thursday at 12PM Manitoba time. (Deadlines may vary on long weekends)
Classified Advertising
Regular classifieds
20 words or less - $7.00
20 words or less - two weeks - $10.50
20 words or less - four weeks - $17.50
Additional words - $0.15 each
Photographs with ad - $8.00 extra
Boxed - $2.00
6 Paper Classified (businesses are not eligible)
Star & Times, Dauphin Herald, Parkland Shopper, Roblin Review, Russell Banner, Opasquia Times
20 words or less - $30.00
Additional words - $0.35
Photo - 30.00
Business Directory rates
Small - $250.00 yearly
Medium - $310.00 yearly
Large - $420.00 yearly
Colour Rates ¼ page or less $25.00 Over ¼ page $50.00
Call for pricing
Generation photo w/caption
Four generations and up - No charge
Deadlines:The deadline for classified advertising is Friday at 10AM.. (Deadlines may vary on long weekends)
*all above prices subject to GST
To submit a classified ad, please fill out the following form or email us the necessary information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.