Russell Banner News
Sunday, 05 November 2023 13:02
Keown brings home a Josie from Nashville
Ryan Keown’s dream of receiving an award on Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry stage has come true and it’s a moment in his life he will never forget. Keown beat out seven other competitors in the Best Modern Country Song of the Year category at the ninth annual Josie Music Awards…
Tuesday, 18 July 2023 07:54
Prairie Collective Co. reopens in grand style
Sometimes, things just fall into place - it’s almost like they were meant to be. That’s the feeling you get when you walk into the new home of Prairie Collective Co. on the corner of Main Street and Assiniboine in Russell. The stately old building with its grand entrance and…
Tuesday, 06 June 2023 07:19
Bringing cancer care closer to home
Cancer is a disease that has impacted everyone and every year there are many fundraisers that are held for cancer research and treatment. The family of the late Glen Kendrick has been dedicated to raising funds for Expanding Community Cancer Care in Russell for quite some time and they are…
Tuesday, 06 June 2023 07:16
Your best friend who is trained to save your life
The weather was perfect for a walk with your best friend - and their friends. On the last Saturday in May, hundreds of people from across the country met with their canine and human friends and set out on a bit of a trek for the Pet Valu Walk for…
Tuesday, 30 May 2023 09:49
Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Almost a decade of work came to fruition last week when ground was broken for the new Community Cancer Care unit in Russell. “First of all, I want to thank everybody that is here today to show their support for this wonderful long awaited event,” Gloria Tibbatts, president of the…
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 09:52
One of our nicest, best kept secrets
It’s one of the nicest, best kept secrets of our area. Parkland Linc Inc has been around for decades. For just about twenty years, their office has been located at 20 William Place. And even that isn’t well known. It’s tucked into the south corner of what used to be…
Tuesday, 09 May 2023 09:41
You know you’ve made it when...
In these parts, having your name up on the Wall of Fame at Major Pratt school is a pretty big deal.... There’s no less than three Olympic medalists on there - and one medalist from the Pan Am games. There’s a fighter pilot, a novelist and a publisher, a championship…
Tuesday, 02 May 2023 07:11
The best Binscarth casino ever
It’s always fun. But this one was the best casino night in Binscarth - ever! “It was the the most successful casino night we’ve ever put on,” Nolan Bradshaw who chairs the Park and Pool committee said. Once all the bills were paid, just slightly under $14,000 was raised. “Its…
Tuesday, 25 April 2023 07:02
Taking their classroom to the skies
The clubhouse of the Russell Flying Club was absolutely packed with kids and their parents this past Saturday. In just a few hours, seven members of the Russell Flying Club worked together to have 82 kids taken up for flights around the area. As they have (almost) every year for…
Tuesday, 18 April 2023 09:48
New rules for Lions Prairie Classic
Big Fish.... It’s always about who can catch the biggest fish. But changes in fishing regulations in this province will mean you’ll see some operational changes to the Russell Lions Prairie Walleye Classic. The main change is that anglers are no longer allowed to possess a fish over 45 cm.…
Tuesday, 11 April 2023 07:21
Yachminka packs the house
Maybe it’s because it’s been so long since we’ve seen them dance. Possibly it’s because it’s really been a long while since we’ve had events that brought so many people out to fill up the hall. Or possibly it’s the fact that we have so many wonderful families choosing to…
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 07:34
Building life skills from the ground up
It’s warming up outside - most days. Even the calendar says its spring. So we know that the long awaited end of winter is just around the corner. Just as they have every year for years and years, the Russell Happy Helpers 4-H Club held their annual spring St. Patrick’s…
Tuesday, 07 March 2023 07:18
Looking to correct the whitewashing of our local history
By the 1970’s parts of the rest of Canada were beginning to wake up to the true facts about our Canadian history and the involvement of many of our descendants in the killing of Metis involved in the North-West Resistance. Meanwhile, in 1974 in Russell, we were still erecting plaques…
Tuesday, 21 February 2023 08:43
Snow speedway draws hundreds
It’s been about a decade in the making but thanks to the efforts of a few community minded enthusiasts, the sport of snowmobile drag racing is making a comeback in a big way in this area. On Sunday, February 12, 2023, racers and spectators gathered just north of Russell to…
Tuesday, 14 February 2023 05:14
Significant drug bust made
Prairie Mountain RCMP conducted a significant drug bust in Rossburn, Feb. 4. Located in a residence was 188 grams of cocaine, and 732 grams of methamphetamine, with a street value of over $37,000. Read more in this week’s Banner!