Swan Valley Star and Times Community

The Brick Ltd. started its story as The Brick Warehouse LP in Edmonton, Alta., in 1971, eventually growing into the national retailer of furniture, mattresses, appliances and home electronics that it is today.With a reputation for having large retail spaces in urban centres, Lance Jacobson didn’t expect that it was…
Tuesday, 07 November 2023 08:40

Calico Corners

The 42nd annual Calico Corners Craft Show and Bazaar took place at the Veterans Community Hall on Friday (Nov. 3), helping raise money for the Association of Community Living, Swan River Branch, and providing an early Christmas shopping opportunity for area people to buy from local small businesses.
No matter where they go in their lives, Swan River connections stay strong in the Ukrainian Dance world. Alexis Denischuk with Vohon (Edmonton), Olivia Chmelowski with Zabutnyy (Regina), Myley Brunel with Zirka (Dauphin) and McKayla Hnatiuk with Bratsva (Dauphin) were all on the big stage at Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival…
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 08:27

SVSD implements Therapeutic Schools Project

During the pandemic, it became more apparent that there needs to be healthy and positive coping mechanisms for students. Students come to class from different backgrounds, experiences and home lives that all have an impact on their ability to focus and learn. Swan Valley School Division (SVSD) recognized this need,…
The Canadians Rangers participated in Exercise Southern Cross 2023 last month, which took a select group of Rangers from across Canada to Northern Territory, Australia, where they participated in survival activities and cultural exchanges with the NORFORCE – Australia’s equivalent to the Canadian Rangers – as well as Indigenous people…
Physical fitness is a lifelong endeavour that most people struggle with when they become adults, however, a local Swan River Constable has been using physical activity as a motivator to not only achieve her own personal goals but to do some good as well.Briana Blencowe has participated in many events,…
Tuesday, 03 October 2023 08:32

Making a Difference

As part of a larger fundraising effort for the PROFYLE program and the Cancer-Care Manitoba Foundation Amara’s Amigos hosted a garage sale and lemonade stand on Friday (Sept.29). With plenty left to sell, they will open up shop once again this Friday from 2-7p.m. at 237 Swan River Drive...
Tuesday, 26 September 2023 08:34

Disability Matters Vote

On Sept. 19, community members gathered in support of Disability Matters Vote. The public awareness campaign has the goal of ensuring all Manitobans with disabilities can participate in election activities and those who are eligible to vote can do so, to promote priority attention for disability issues in the provincial …
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 08:28

Giving Back

The Swan Valley Stampeders held a barbeque and car wash at Formo Motors LTD. this past Saturday (Sept. 16), where all the proceeds made from the event were split between the team and a local charity.
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 08:33

A trip back in time: Moon Glo Cabins

A series of cabins in the Valley has had quite an extensive history in the community and surrounding area. They became part of a few different family businesses and upbringings for some of the former local residents. The Moon Glo Cabins were another set of cabins in the Valley that…
Tuesday, 05 September 2023 09:10

Preparations Begin

The Swan River Centennial Arena saw more action this past weekend (Sept. 1-2), as the Swan Valley Junior A Stampeders opened their Main Camp, welcoming returning players, prospects and invitees to the rink.
Owning a piece of Swan River’s history can be an amazing and rare find. This is the case for Valley-born Jason Beasley of J-Ride Customs. Beasley acquired the old milk truck from Crescent Creamery that was used in the Valley to deliver milk and cream to people. It was a…
It’s been some time since Adult and Teen Challenge of Central Canada (ATC) set up a community office in Swan River, with the intent to reach out to people with addictions in the area and help them overcome the challenges in their life, whether that be by being a place…
Writing and publishing a novel is something that a few people dream of, but sometimes never find the actual time to do. A former Valley resident, despite his extremely intense schedule and career, has found an opportunity to achieve that very thing he has dreamed of. Dale Fedorchuk has a…
A milestone class reunion was held at the Swan Valley Regional Secondary School (SVRSS) the week of the Northwest Round-up Fair and Rodeo. The SVRSS Class of 1973 was the first class to graduate from the newly formed regional secondary school and celebrated their 50-year high school reunion.“1973 was the…
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