SVSFE fish camps net another successful year

Published on Tuesday, 20 August 2024 08:35

The Swan Valley Sport Fish Enhancement (SVSFE) ran another successful summer of youth fish camps. Several local youth gained angling knowledge and experience at local lakes surrounding the Valley.
“Our fish camp ran a total of 16 days facilitating somewhere between eight and 11 kids per day,” said SVSFE Fisheries Technician Brock Koutecky. “The first eight days were spent at the Red Deer River, while the final eight days were spent at Wellman Lake. Kids can attend each location one time, therefore most kids were able to come two days with one day at each location.
“Once camp registration was open, we were full within the first 48 hours and had kids on the waiting list. After getting a better grasp of demand, we were able to accommodate the kids on the waiting list by finding other volunteers and increasing daily capacity for a few days at each location. In the end, every registered kid was able to come at least one time, and in total, we facilitated a total of 88 different kids in 2024.”
Youth learned a variety of angling skills that they got to test out during the camp. Some of them experienced reeling in their very first catch Master Angler.
“The educational component focuses on all the aspects of sport fishing,” said Koutecky. “Topics include knot tying, safety, fish behaviour, fish anatomy/biology, fish ecology and seasonal movements, proper fish handling techniques, fishing ethics, and of course angling techniques, presentation and bait selection.
“There were so many individual highlights. Many of these include stories about a specific kid catching their first fish ever, or their first Master Angler ever, or their first bass ever for example. There were sure a lot of excited kids experiencing a first and the excitement that came with those moments.”
SVSFE is already planning for next year’s youth fish camps and determining what changes or improvements can be made.
“We are still in the process of making plans for 2025, but at this time we feel that we were able to accommodate demand and will probably make a few adjustments in future years,” said Koutecky. “I don’t think we will expand the program in terms of time, but will likely increase staff and volunteers which will therefore increase daily capacity.”
A lot of work went into planning and establishing the youth fish camps, from funding to volunteers.
“We would like to thank our program funders, The Manitoba Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund, and the Manitoba Government,” said Koutecky. “This program would not be possible without their support.
“Also, a huge thanks to Swan Valley Credit Union (SVCU), the Community Foundation of Swan Valley, and the Paul Olenick Memorial Fund for providing funds to assist with fish camp.
“A big shout out to all the businesses and volunteers who helped in various ways including The Elbert Chartrand FC, Mil’s Grill, Wellman Lake Lodge, 734 Custom Apparel & Promo Inc., Swan Valley Star and Times, Len Thompson Lures, Sticky’s Bait and Tackle, Mitch’s Jumbo Crawlers, Northern Lites Bait, Swan Lake Watershed District, Swan River Title Loans, Manitoba Wildfire Service, Westwood Inn Hotel and Indoor Waterpark, Valley Water, Matt Black, Bruce Taylor, Ursula Taylor, Duane Fleming, Elgin Barnett, Sheldon Branconnier, Jason Vill, Tyler Ashcroft, Norm Bruce, Brian Woloshyn, Todd Yakielashek, Phil Yakielashek, Tammy Webster, and Darren Webster,” said Koutecky.


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