Mistletoe Magic to continue being a highlight of Christmas season

Published on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 08:38

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas with the snow falling and the Christmas decorations coming out of storage.
Soon, the Swan Valley Historical Museum (SVHM) will be all alight with the luminous and colourful displays of Mistletoe Magic will be hung from the historical buildings and outdoor equipment with care.
The preparations of the SVHM volunteers will culminate in an opening night celebration on Dec. 7 that will be the official first evening of Mistletoe Magic. From 5-9 p.m., everyone is welcome to drive through or walk through the grounds of the SVHM and view the Christmas displays, as well as join the fellowship in the main hall, where hot chocolate and hot dogs will be served, with admittance to everything free of charge, with an opportunity to give a donation if people wish to do so.
“We find a lot of people are happy to come on out and feel like they want to give something to the project,” said Mistletoe Magic organizer Candace Balbo. “We’re always happy to have donations, and people can specify whether they are giving towards the cost of Mistletoe Magic or make a general donation to the museum.”
Those that come by to visit in the hall also have the opportunity to take a picture with Santa Claus in an antique sleigh.
In addition, a horse-drawn wagon ride will be in the works, provided that the weather will be appropriate. Everyone will be welcome to take rides with their friends and family around the grounds.
For the rest of December, and up until after traditional Ukrainian Christmas, the lights will stay on and anybody is welcome to drive around the SVHM grounds on any evening, free of charge.
“We on the board of the museum do a lot of ground work and organization of putting this together, but so many people also come out to volunteer their time to decorate these buildings,” said Balbo. “And, there might not be people that want to decorate the buildings, but are willing to donate so we can get more lights. Lights last a long time, but sometimes they do break.
“Anything anybody is willing to do is a nice thing.”
While the SVHM isn’t necessarily able to collect feedback from all the people that visit Mistletoe Magic in a year, Balbo mentioned that she receives positive comments on occasion when she is around town and generally finds that people really enjoy visiting the light display in what has become a fairly new annual tradition in the last half decade.
“During COVID when people had to supervise who came on the grounds, it was remarkable how many people came,” said Balbo. “It’s a lovely event and we’re happy to do it.
“It’s a bright spot in the dark part of the winter.”

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