A true success story

Published on Tuesday, 20 August 2024 10:51

The Manitoba Summer Games, powered by Manitoba Hydro has come and gone and by all accounts it was a resounding success.

When all was said and done, it was Winnipeg Blue which topped the medal count with 103 in total, including 50 gold, 30 silver and 23 bronze.

Winnipeg Gold was second with 30 gold, 26 silver and 26 bronze for a total of 82. Team West was third with 78 medals on 15 gold, 30 silver and 33 bronze.

Team East was fourth, winning 24 gold, 22 silver and 22 bronze for a total of 68 medals, while Team South captured 15 gold, 16 silver and 14 bronze for 48 medals. Team North won a single bronze medal.

Based on feedback from athletes, coaches, spectators and Sport Manitoba, Games co-chair Carla Wolfenden said they are proud of Dauphin.

“It’s been a really great week,” she said.

Co-chair Clayton Swanton said the more than 700 volunteers helped to make the games such a success.

“Just so, so impressed with our volunteers. We know we live in a great community and that’s why we chose to host. We knew we could pull it off, because we know the people of Dauphin. But that was seven years ago when we chose to do that. And Dauphin is still Dauphin. Nothing changed and they came out in spades,” he said.

“And just to echo Carla’s comments, nothing but rave reviews from everybody from out of town about the hospitality in town and what a great week they’ve had. And we certainly had, too.”

It was the efforts of the volunteers which drove the success of the Games.

“We’ve had incredible volunteer support. Quality people every way you turn. Whether it’s in the kitchen or on the field of play, or at any of the venues. And it’s even people saying everyone in the stores in the different businesses have been very friendly and helpful and made them feel welcome,” Wolfenden said.

“So our volunteers are what made this event a success.”

It was pointed out during the VIP reception that many volunteers would work their scheduled shift and then go and lend a hand at other venues.

The local business community was also instrumental in the success of the Games. As Swanton noted, you can’t host an event of this magnitude or create the legacy of venues and projects without sponsors.

Read the full story in this week’s edition of the Dauphin Herald.

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Published in Dauphin Herald News